Extreme Missionary Adventures
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
XMA is a faith-based, non-profit organization dedicated to helping volunteers make a positive impact in their world. Our volunteers share the love of Jesus with overlooked people in remote locations around our world and help with human needs such as medical, dental, clean water, construction, educational and other basic needs. Our lives have been changed for the better by what Christ did for us. We now want to help others with their physical needs but more importantly to show them how they can have lasting peace in their lives.
Doctrinal Statement:
The exclusive foundation of our beliefs is God\'s infallible written Word, the Holy Bible. There exists one true God, eternally existing as the trinity, also known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is God and became flesh. He was crucified on a cross, bore the sin of man and faced God\'s wrath and rose from the dead. Man\'s own righteousness is as filthy as dirty rags, and man is unable to satisfy God. Every person is in need of salvation. The salvation of man is a miracle and entirely a work of God\'s grace and is not the efforts of human work or good deeds. The Holy Spirit, who is called the comforter, has come into the world to tell of and glorify Christ as well as to apply salvation through Christ to others.
Church Planting
Pastoral Training
Prayer Walking
Team Training
Organization Provided Benefits:
All volunteers are covered by travel insurance and we retain a security company that provides security assessments and evacuation assistance if needed.
Application Process: