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Classification: Nonprofit
Type of Organization: Missions-Sending
Legal Name: TeachBeyond
Established: 1956

Organizational Principles

Purpose & Mission Statement:

Mission Statement Who We Are As followers of Jesus we are an international organization providing transformational education to children and to adults. What We Do We provide teaching and learning services to all regardless of gender, ethnicity, or religion in order to promote holistic personal growth and enduring social benefit.

Denomination(s): Interdenominational
Member Organization(s): Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA)
Mission Finder
Open to New Locations: Yes
Service Locations: International
Active Cities:
Active Regions:
Active States:
Active Countries:
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
Russian Federation
Tanzania, United Republic of
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
Russian Federation
Tanzania, United Republic of
United Kingdom
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Doctrinal Statement:

Statement of Identity TeachBeyond is a Christian organization whose staff and volunteers are inspired by the message, life and example of Jesus. We embrace the revelation given by God in the Christian Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments. We likewise receive and accept the faith, which is taught in the Scriptures and summarized in such orthodox statements of the whole Christian church as the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. We understand our own faith in continuity with the Protestant confessions of the Reformation and the evangelical awakenings in subsequent centuries. We further share the ideals of movements such as the Lausanne Covenant (1974) regarding the authority of Scripture, the priority of evangelism, the need for Christian social responsibility and personal holiness, the costliness and urgency of world mission, and the importance of Christian education. Statement of Faith We believe the Holy Scriptures as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy; and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct... One God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit... Our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory... The Salvation of lost and sinful man through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith apart from works, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit... The Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the believer is enabled to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ... The Unity of the Spirit of all true believers, the Church, the Body of Christ... The Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (World Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith)

Core Values:

Faith: Trusting God for wisdom and provision and believing He is good in all He does, we live in bold confidence that reflects that trust.

Integrity: We live in such a way that our consciences are free from guilt and our actions align with our words and thoughts, so that we can be trusted and respected for who and what we actually are and are becoming (i.e., Christ followers), by God’s grace.

Holiness: Valuing the moral perfection of God, we pursue a life of purity as He instructs us to in His Word and enables us to live through His indwelling Spirit.

Love for people: Our thoughts and actions are motivated by a love for others that reflects Christ’s love for us and the world.

Creativity: We seek to explore, to imagine, and to invent in order to pursue that which improves and furthers God’s Kingdom on earth, while bringing joy to our Father and to those with whom we live.

Cultural relevance: While we embrace tradition and reject religious syncretism, we contextualize our practices to the cultures in which we live in order to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ fairly and persuasively.

Congeniality: Kindness, joy, civility, pleasantness, and the appreciation of fun and laughter reflect our family origins and mark our on-going interpersonal relationships.

Partnering with others: We believe we can usually do things better together with others than we can alone and that working collegially in unity with others is a mark of the Spirit’s presence and blessing.

Excellence: Whatever we do, we do it wholeheartedly to the best of our ability and for the glory of God alone.


Ministries Offered Administration
Language Lessons
Missionary Durations: 1 to 3 Weeks
1 to 3 Months
4 to 11 Months
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Long Term/One Way
Preferred Missionary Age: 18 to 100 Years Old
Individuals: Yes
Divorced: Yes
Married Couples: Yes
Families: Yes
Groups: Yes
Preferred Group Sizes: 2 to 20 People
Educational Requirements: Yes
Preferred Education Level: Other
Does the organization provide funding? No
Does the organization provide benefits? Yes

Organization Provided Benefits:

TeachBeyond full-time members are enrolled in our medical and life insurance plans. Members also have the option of enrolling in our 403 (b) retirement plan should they choose to do so.

Trip Costs Details:

Costs will vary due to country of service, varying exchange rates, time of year (travel costs), and any special costs needed for candidate's needs.

Does the organization require training? Yes
Does the organization provide training? Yes

Training Required for Service:

All candidates are to attend TeachBeyond Orientation where they learn about the organization, cross-cultural adaptation, personal and professional development, financial issues, raising support, interpersonal skills, etc..

Training Provided by Organization:

TeachBeyond also provides supplemental optional training in support-raising as well as a TESOL certification course that is applicable to individuals with or without prior formal teacher training.

Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:

TeachBeyond has a global member care team with local representatives assigned to provide spiritual and material assistance to our members, with particular focus on new members. Members are enrolled in a life-long learning plan that encompasses a holistic growth and development plan for them personally. Members also complete annual reviews and undergo an end-of-term review at the conclusion of their assignment.

Application Process:

The process spends on the length of time a candidate will serve: - Summer English Camps / Associates: 2 weeks to 8 months for support raising. - Full-time: 6 - 9 months for a single - and up to a year for families The length of time required for fundraising will vary widely based on living expenses on the field and whether the receiving school is able to offer a stipend or any other financial benefits.

Speaking to Past or Present Missionaries:

Our application process involves 2 aspects: 1. Acceptance by TeachBeyond where that candidate completes all needed paperwork, is interviewed by a staff member, and is reviewed by the Candidate Processing Committee. 2. Acceptance by the school on the field. The school sends each interested candidate material to return so that the school can evaluate the candidate. Each candidate is assigned a TeachBeyond mobilization coach who corresponds with him/her. All our mobilizers have had field experience. We also have field personnel from the school they are considering who can coach these applicants as needed.

Characteristics of the Ideal Missionary:

We’re looking for individuals that have a passion for the Great Commission and embrace our organizational vision of seeing God growing his Kingdom through transformational educational initiatives around the world.


Looking For Volunteers: Yes
Volunteer Services: Administrators
Custodial Staff
Event Planning
Graphic Design
Kitchen Staff
Leadership Training
Medical Personnel
Volunteer Positions: On-site Volunteer (Full Time)
On-site Volunteer (Part Time)
Remote Volunteer (As Available)
Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Willing to accept volunteers outside of the specified denomination: Yes

Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:

We seek staff who have proven experience - whether in college/university where they were trained, or professional experience in their particular field,

Costs associated with volunteering? Yes
Training Provided? Yes

Required Costs:

Funds needed for a volunteer to raise will vary from field to field and include: number of family members who will be accompanying him/her; cost of living in that particular culture; transportation costs (car or no car); exchange rates; if the school will pay any portion of the salary, etc..

Training Process:

TeachBeyond offers materials to new candidates on fund development skills as well as additional training at orientation. We also include orientation in ESL skills to those we feel need additional training.