Small World Connections
Organization Description & Goals:
Our ministry is committed to serving ministries all around the world by building strong relationships, then doing what we can to connect the body of Christ in order to help those missionaries accomplish their ministry dreams. This ministry began from a desire to do more than just go on a mission trip - we call this commitment to the missionaries we serve a Timothy Culture - and we believe God is opening many doors for us to serve and encourage missionaries in this very Biblical way.
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
Mission To connect a Timothy Culture in the Church Vision We see ourselves being able to honestly say to missionaries all around the world - we are part of a network of believers, like Timothy, who genuinely care about your welfare, and what matters to Jesus Christ.
National (United States)
Chicago, IL
Chillicothe, IL
Peoria Heights, IL
Russian Federation
United States
Russian Federation
United States
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Doctrinal Statement:
Jesus Christ is God the Father’s only begotten Son and being fully God and fully man died on the cross to pay the penalty for the sin of mankind saving us from eternal separation from Him in Hell. He now offers us eternal life with Him in Heaven as a free gift through faith alone in His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death and victorious resurrection. He also has sent God the Holy Spirit to dwell in all believers as a deposit guaranteeing our salvation and to comfort and teach us until He returns to establish His eternal Kingdom. This is the message we call the Gospel – the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Core Values:
Acceleration Ramping up the fulfillment of the Great Commission in our lifetime
Connection Offering our resources and talents to help missionaries accomplish their goals.
Encouragement Serving missionaries by asking them what they dream of in their ministry and then helping them see that dream fulfilled.
Small World/Big God Acting on our belief that no idea is outside the realm of possibility for God.
Additional Information:
Small World Connections considers itself a cultivator if a Timothy culture, a matchmaker between people willing to serve and those with needs, and a problem solver for whatever roadblock may keep someone from reaching their ministry dreams. We believe the Church is a family of believers, and we seek to treat our brothers and sisters like family.
Business As Missions (BAM)
Internships (Collegiate)
Internships (High School)
Language Lessons
Outdoor Adventure
Pastoral Training
Team Training
Organization Provided Funding:
At times we can arrange for assistance through individual donors and ministry partnerships to help offset the cost of a short-term mission trip.
Application Process:
Individuals and groups interested in serving with Small World Connections should have a discussion about their intentions with staff to ensure there is a good fit. Then, each participant completes an online application form. References may be checked, and additional interviews may be conducted. Candidates will get the opportunity to communicate directly with the missionaries they will be serving with before finalizing plans. A deposit is required with the application to confirm the individual's commitment.
Speaking to Past or Present Missionaries:
The ministry strives to build real relationship between individuals and missionaries, so we will promptly introduce, at least via email, anyone potentially serving a missionary.
Event Planning
Graphic Design
Host Homes
Leadership Training
Medical Personnel
Pastoral Training
Prayer Team
Team Leaders
Website Design/Development
Remote Volunteer (As Available)
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Volunteer Internships (Collegiate)
Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:
For Small World Connections, we would appreciate volunteers to help us maintain and update our web presence, assist with the occasional special event, and to volunteer regularly at any of our resale shops. We also ask for volunteers on behalf of our partners. These would be short-term or long-term mission trips to provide construction, medical, training, and teaching among other needs. We would love the opportunity to speak with you about your skill set and how it might be used to further the Kingdom.
Training Process:
Training will be provided as needed depending on the position.