Pioneer Bible Translators
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
Vision Statement - Transformed Lives through God's Word in every language. Mission Statement - Pioneer Bible Translators exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God's people to provide enduring access to God's Word.
Mission Next
Business As Missions (BAM)
Church Planting
Internships (Collegiate)
Outreach to the Deaf
Long Term/One Way
Training Required for Service:
All long-term overseas workers with Pioneer Bible Translators will complete some level of training in three competencies Missiology, Linguistics, Biblical Exegesis. The amount of training required in each competency is dependent on the role the individual will have on the field.
Training Provided by Organization:
In house training include our residency program, a Bush Mechanics course, a Primary Health Care Course, Roots of Care training, and orientation programs. Much of the required training is obtained through our ministry partners.
Application Process:
The time from a candidate expressing interest through application and training to becoming field ready varies between 1-3 years.
Graphic Design
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Required Costs:
Pioneer Bible Translators offers a few levels of qualifying volunteers. Some levels may require an application fee associated with personality screenings and ministry readiness interviews.
Training Process:
Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the Discovery program.