Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
Nurturing leaders for new Christ following communities – in the language of the church, we nurture missionaries for America.
Doctrinal Statement:
1. Jesus Christ the Messiah is Savior and Lord. 2. Jesus was born, lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. 3. Scripture is the infallible and authoritative guide for faith and practice. 4. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Triune God. 5. God is creator of all that exists. 6. God loves all peoples. 7. Every Christ following community is called into God\\\'s mission to all peoples. 8. Every Christ following community is a part of the larger Church of Jesus Christ in the world. 9. Jesus will come again and fully reveal and establish the Kingdom of God in the world.
Additional Information:
We plant ourselves in communities in the U.S.
Church Planting
Language Lessons
Prayer Walking
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Organization Provided Funding:
We have a variety of funding strategies. Arrangements are catered to individual circumstances.
Organization Provided Benefits:
Bridge Leaders are expected to provide their own insurance.
Training Provided by Organization:
Assessment (measurements), Coaching (one-on-one), Training (conference) and Support (small groups). If Bridge Leader or Community sets up a fund, additional hour of training is offered.
Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:
Personal Coaching helps you stay focused and moving forward. Coaching helps you clarify decisions, explore options, identify the really important question, and discern God’s will for your life and ministry with the unchurched. Every session ends with you identifying some actions steps you want to take next. Bridge Leaders gather once or twice a month in Support Groups. Each gathering is built around the practice of a specific skill we need for our ministries. We… *pray for one another *share stories from our ministries that raise questions *explore scriptures related to our stories and questions *learn specific skills we need to carry out our ministries with the unchurched *listen for God’s voice *clarify our next steps for the coming weeks and months *commit to sharing how things went either in person or electronically
Application Process: