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Literacy & Evangelism, Inc.


Classification: Nonprofit
Type of Organization: Both (MSO/UMO)
Legal Name: Literacy & Evangelism, Inc.
Established: 1967
Alias/Other Name(s): Literacy and Evangelism International (LEI)

Organizational Principles

Purpose & Mission Statement:

LEI equips the church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through the gift of reading.

Denomination(s): Interdenominational
Open to New Locations: Yes
Service Locations: Local (City/State)
National (United States)
Active Cities: San Diego, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
Tulsa, OK
Winter Haven, FL
Active Regions: West (Pacific)
South (South Atlantic)
South (West South Central)
Active States: California
Active Countries:
Dominican Republic
Korea, Republic of
Sierra Leone
Dominican Republic
Korea, Republic of
Sierra Leone
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Doctrinal Statement:

Statement of Faith Concerning the following, we believe in: Authority The Bible as God's inspired, infallible and completed Word for all people everywhere, to show them the Way the Truth and the Life and to be their final authority. God One God, sovereign and unchangeable Creator and Sustainer of all, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, being infinite yet personal, just yet merciful, and perfect in holiness, truth & love. People The essential dignity and value of all people everywhere, created as God's image bearers, yet estranged from God because of Adam's fall and personal sin, being totally incapable of a right relationship to God apart from grace. Jesus Christ Jesus Christ, who by virtue of His deity, virgin birth, sinless humanity, substitutionary death, atoning blood, bodily resurrection and ascension to heaven as King and Priest, is the only one capable of redeeming people. Salvation Salvation by God's grace alone whereby the Holy Spirit regenerates, the Son justifies, and the Father adopts those who personally repent and trust in Jesus Christ alone as Savior and Lord. Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit's deity and work of convicting, regenerating, illuminating, indwelling and manifesting His fruit and gifts in believers for the unity, edification and mission of the Church in the world, to the glory of God. The Church The priesthood of all believers who together form the universal Church, Christ's Bride or Body of which He is Head and has commissioned to advance the light of the Gospel in this dark world. The Future The extension of the Gospel to all people groups, Christ's personal, visible and bodily return, and the resurrection and judgment of all mankind: the lost to eternal punishment and the saved to life with God forever.

Core Values:

We cherish two pre-eminent values: Passion for God and Compassion for People. Our other values hinge on these (Matt. 22:37-40).

In our love (passion) for God we aspire to: the faithful reading of and obedience to God's Word that we might be healthy, growing and productive Christians. Faith in Him for daily vision and provision in every aspect of our lives, ministry, and relationships. Prayer as our main channel of communication with God (praise, petition, intercession, listening). Integrity of character to be Christlike in all our dealings, so as to please God and to not bring reproach on His name. Excellence in the quality and standards of our work, for God's glory. Unity among ourselves and with other believers, because of Christ's prayer that we be one, and the reputation of His name. Stewardship of our time, talents and treasures, recognizing that these are not ours but God's, for His glory.

In our love (compassion) for people we commit ourselves to: Family nurture; family being the primary unit in society to which one belongs and bears responsibility. Church participation because it is God's ordained instrument for nurturing believers and carrying out His ministry. Witness to Jesus Christ to the lost, the least and the lonely, that they might be saved through the Gospel. Discipleship of fellow believers, by example and teaching. Teamwork transcends individual effort and limitations, allowing the Holy Spirit to use gifts and talents of all. Partnership with churches/groups who share a common vision & purpose, sharing information, personnel and resources to make the most of our combined resources. Servanthood whereby we esteem others as higher than ourselves, subordinating our rights and expectations to theirs.


Ministries Offered Administration
Church Planting
Language Lessons
Team Training
Missionary Durations: 4 to 11 Months
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Individuals: Yes
Divorced: Yes
Married Couples: Yes
Families: Yes
Groups: No
Educational Requirements: Yes
Preferred Education Level: Other
Does the organization provide funding? Yes
Does the organization provide benefits? No

Organization Provided Funding:

Yes, some funding is provided for certain projects on a case by case basis as funds are available.

Does the organization require training? Yes
Does the organization provide training? Yes

Training Required for Service:

The International Literacy Training Institute (ILTI), conducted by LEI, for anyone who will be doing literacy or English as a Second Language (ESL) ministry.

Training Provided by Organization:

ILTI is a 6-week intensive program, conducted annually in June & July. The students live and learn at our training center, Tutor Place, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:

Each long-term missionary reports to the applicable Regional Director, who is able to offer support in some cases. Each missionary is expected to provide quarterly reports on their activities and progress. We have had a few short-term mission teams work in Central America, in locations where LEI either has missionaries or has literacy/ESL programs ongoing.

Application Process:



Looking For Volunteers: Yes
Volunteer Services: Administrators
Event Planning
Graphic Design
Prayer Team
Team Leaders
Website Design/Development
Volunteer Positions: On-site Volunteer (Full Time)
On-site Volunteer (Part Time)
Remote Volunteer (As Available)
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Travel Volunteer (Full Time)
Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Willing to accept volunteers outside of the specified denomination: Yes
Preferred Missionary Age: 18 to 100 Years Old

Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:

Depends on the type of work in which they would be engaged. See our website

Costs associated with volunteering? No
Training Provided? Yes

Training Process:

Depends on the type of work in which they would be engaged.