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Fulfill UR Ministry


Classification: Nonprofit
Type of Organization: Unique Ministry
Legal Name: Fulfill UR Ministry
Established: 2013
Alias/Other Name(s): FURM

Organizational Principles

Purpose & Mission Statement:

Fulfill UR (Your) Ministry, FURM, will unify ministries globally and connect missionaries to the mission field, equipping both with improved resources for finding the ideal and informed fit for fulfilling the ministry instilled within the hearts of those involved. FURM's overall mission is to obey The Great Commission, and likewise aid others toward obedience. FURM's purpose is to connect ministries and ministers through an internet website that matches organizations with missionaries, using criteria specific to the needs of the mission field as well as to the persons looking to fulfill their call. It will also provide informative resources to the potential missionaries about individual mission fields and the kinds of work required therein. FURM strives to enable "the body of Christ" to work as one in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Denomination(s): Interdenominational

Doctrinal Statement:

FURM is in agreement with the Lausanne Covenant:

Core Values:

-FURM commits to aligning itself with biblical standards by adamantly choosing to be obedient to the loving Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

FURM commits to remain focused on The Great Commission (Matt 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 and Acts 1) to help The Body continually push forward towards a Rev 7:9 future, by working towards the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23.

FURM commits to remain transparent in all business practices, always acting above reproach.

FURM commits to continually support the power of God’s children, both as individuals as well as a corporate body, when using his and her gifts and talents for His glory and the growth of the Kingdom so all may hear.

FURM will dedicate itself to the continual reminder that true success comes from Obedience to God so joy may be found in all circumstances where obedience is found.

Additional Information:

FURM is run by a small team, all with full time jobs. We welcome help and appreciate support, encouragement, and patience as our efforts grow in the timing our volunteer time allows.


Looking For Volunteers: Yes
Volunteer Services: Administrators
Event Planning
Volunteer Positions: On-site Volunteer (Full Time)
On-site Volunteer (Part Time)
Remote Volunteer (As Available)
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Volunteer Internships (Collegiate)
Volunteer Internships (High School)
Willing to accept volunteers outside of the specified denomination: Yes

Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:

We are always doing research via phone, internet searches, data entry, etc. and this can be done from any location, once trained. We are are always in need of exposure; so social media gurus as well as event planners who would like to coordinate an event to benefit or market FURM's efforts are welcomed. We have a lot of research and writing projects in motion that can be volunteered for as well.

Costs associated with volunteering? No
Training Provided? Yes

Training Process:

If you have a skill that is applicable, we'll train you how to apply it to the efforts of our ministry.