En Gedi Retreat
Organization Description & Goals:
En Gedi Retreat is a free vacation and retreat home for pastors and missionaries. It is a 501 (c) 3 organization with the purpose of keeping pastors and missionaries “Rested, Refreshed, and Renewed” in their service to the Kingdom.
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
Vision. To provide a place of solitude, relaxation and a positive environment to heal, encourage and refresh pastors, missionaries and their families, so that they are better equipped, rested and ready for the ministry work that God has called them to. We believe we can help pastors and missionaries achieve a balance and rhythm that will keep them rested, refreshed, and renewed. Why We believe in pastors and missionaries. We believe in the work they are doing in the Kingdom. We believe that the demand of their work is high, continuous, and at times overwhelming. We believe they need balance and rhythm in their lives. We believe this balance includes resting, vacationing, having fun, and spending time away from their church or mission filed, alone or with their family. We believe that without a rhythm and balance in their lives they are susceptible to burnout, divorce, and moral failure. What We provide free retreat and vacation homes around the world for pastors and missionaries to come and stay. These homes are first class, non-denominational, and open use. We contact and maintain contact with pastors and missionaries to help encourage them to come and rest, we encourage them to listen to the Holy Spirit as we are confident He will strengthen, discipline, comfort and give them new passion. How We pioneer new ideas and ways to encourage pastors and missionaries that are sustainable and reproducible. We manage and raise money for the support of the homes we offer to pastors and missionaries, keeping the highest standards of accountability in finance and maintaining our 501C3 status. We actively seek out new ways to communicate our vision to people around the world, encouraging those with like passions to join us. We seek new homes in different locations so pastors will benefit in many locations. We seek out new relationships with new denominations, churches and pastors to spread the word of what we are doing. We stay in contact with pastors after they come to follow up with encouragement and a listening ear.
Website Design/Development
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)