Empower International Ministries
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
Empower equips leaders in developing countries to combat the root cause and often lethal effects of abuse, abandonment, and injustice, so that families can be healed, community restored, and culture transformed.
Doctrinal Statement:
Statement of Faith Empower International Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry. We believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus to be the resurrected Son of God, who redeems us from slavery to the fallen world, teaches us how to love and forgive one another, and who continues to make our unity possible. We believe the Bible is God’s unique revelation to all people and is our guide for all matters of faith and practice. We believe all human beings — male or female, white or black, rich or poor, powerful or helpless, educated or illiterate, young or old— are created equally in God’s image. “There is no Jew or Gentile, no slave or free, no male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28).
Core Values:
RAISE the respect, freedom and protection accorded women in family, church, and society
MEET the emotional needs of orphaned, neglected, abandoned, or abused children
LIBERATE traumatized and emotionally damaged adults
FREE men from norms of masculinity that lead to violence and despair
ENCOURAGE unity, forgiveness, companionship and mutual respect in marriage and childrearing
DEVELOP community values that eliminate sexual, ethnic, and other social antagonisms.
Graphic Design
Leadership Training
Pastoral Training
Team Leaders
Website Design/Development