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Beautiful Feet


Classification: Nonprofit
Type of Organization: Both (MSO/UMO)
Legal Name: Beautiful Feet
Established: 1995

Organization Description & Goals:

We are a mission sending organization that equips and trains people to go to unreached places. We specialize in contextual church planting movements, discipleship focused strategies, and advanced Business as Mission partnerships. Our heart is to see the least among us empowered and to see all unreached people groups hear the message of the gospel as we join together toward a goal of seeing all ethnicities and people worship the One True God.

Organizational Principles

Purpose & Mission Statement:

OUR VISION To see disciples of Jesus making disciples of Jesus among all unreached and neglected people groups. OUR MISSION Our unchanging mission is to follow Jesus to unreached and neglected people groups, cooperating with churches, mobilization organizations, and other missionary agencies to mobilize, train, and send long-term, catalytic missionary teams to start disciple-making/church-planting movements.

Denomination(s): Nondenominational
Member Organization(s): MissioNexus
Mission Next
Open to New Locations: Yes
Service Locations: International
Active Cities:
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Doctrinal Statement:

LOVE GOD, LOVE NEIGHBOR At Beautiful Feet we hold these beliefs as important to our Christian faith… It must be understood that within our ranks exist a wide cross-section of the Church of Jesus and therefore many differences in many theological points. We have Southern Baptist, Vineyard, Nazarene and other theological positions represented here. However we are united in our passionate pursuit of Jesus, dedicated to complete His Great Commission and to these key doctrinal positions: There is one God – Revealed as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Old and New Testament Scriptures contain all truth necessary for faith in Jesus and victorious Christian living. All men sin and fall short of God’s glory; apart from Jesus all are hopelessly and eternally lost. The atonement through Jesus Christ is for the whole human race; and whosoever repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin. (1 John 3:16, Romans 10, 2 Peter 3:9) Believers are to be consecrated wholly and in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit, Who will empower and lead. The Good News of the Kingdom of God must be preached as a testimony to every tongue, tribe and nation and then the end will come. (Matt. 24:14, Mark 13:10) Our Lord Jesus will return, the dead will be raised, and the final judgment will take place.

Core Values:

Jesus and His Kingdom We desire to always be passionately and whole-heartedly pursuing Jesus and His Kingdom, honoring the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

Radical Love for One Another We strive to love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, wholly committed to each other, accepting one another as we are, but continually inspiring each other on to good works and Christlikeness. We aim to face any circumstance or conflict with humility, openness and unconditional love, honoring the second commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39)

Compassionate Ministry When Jesus came, He laid out His ministry agenda: “to bring Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19). As His hands and beautiful feet, we model our ministry after His – focusing on the physical needs of people in concert with the spiritual.

Incarnational Lifestyle Just as Jesus became flesh and “dwelt among us” (John 1:14) to show us what God is like, so our missionaries go and live among the people, like the people.

Contextualization of the Gospel Our missionaries strive to share the good news of the Kingdom in a manner that allows people to encounter Jesus within the context of their own cultural understanding.

Church Planting Movements Beyond focusing on individuals, it is our desire and intent to see the rapid multiplication of Communities of the King, enabling an entire people group to have access to the Good News of Jesus. (2 Timothy 2:2)


Ministries Offered Anti-Trafficking
Business As Missions (BAM)
Church Planting
Missionary Durations: 1 to 3 Weeks
1 to 3 Months
4 to 11 Months
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Long Term/One Way
Individuals: Yes
Divorced: Yes
Married Couples: Yes
Families: Yes
Groups: Yes
Educational Requirements: No
Does the organization provide funding? No
Does the organization provide benefits? No
Does the organization require training? Yes
Does the organization provide training? Yes

Training Required for Service:

We require a 3 week bootcamp before a missionary is sent with Beautiful Feet. Beautiful Feet Boot Camp (BFBC) prepares new missionaries for cross-cultural service, language learning, lifestyle adaptation and contextualization of the Gospel. We exist to help people follow Jesus in love, partnering together with Him in bringing the Good News of the Kingdom to the ends of the Earth.

Training Provided by Organization:

Once a person has completed Beautiful Feet Bootcamp we offer specialized coaches who can train and mentor the missionary in specific strategies used for the part of the world they are called to and living in. These coaches all have 10+ years of experience living overseas and are a valuable asset to the missionaries just starting out.

Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:

We have a member care program that asks missionaries spiritual questions to hold the missionary accountable while serving overseas.

Application Process:

When a candidate becomes interested in Beautiful feet, we initiate the onboarding process which start with the candidate filling out our application. After approval, there are 2 training classes required before an applicant can attend our Beautiful Feet Bootcamp training program, this is a class called perspectives and a financial training seminar. After all of this is completed, which typically takes about 6 months, then the applicant can attend our bootcamp training program which is 3 weeks long. During this training program the potential missionary will have time to discuss where they are feeling called to go and how to get there.

Speaking to Past or Present Missionaries:

We have a coaching program that connects first year missionaries to long term missionaries if they have questions about a specific region.


Looking For Volunteers: Yes
Volunteer Services: Administrators
Graphic Design
Website Design/Development
Volunteer Positions: On-site Volunteer (Full Time)
On-site Volunteer (Part Time)
Remote Volunteer (As Available)
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Travel Volunteer (Full Time)
Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Volunteer Internships (Collegiate)
Willing to accept volunteers outside of the specified denomination: Yes

Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:

We are seeking mission minded volunteers to help support missionaries in unreached places. This includes part time photographers, graphic designers, writers, speakers, and other gifted individuals who want to serve the unreached. Contact us for how you can volunteer today!

Costs associated with volunteering? No
Training Provided? No