A World Aware, Inc
Organizational Principles
Purpose & Mission Statement:
AWA exists to educate, empower and encourage people in South Africa. Focusing on pre school children's need for food, mental stimulation and spiritual guidance so they may become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. We operate like this: 1. Do not give handouts but meet people where their needs are. 2. Don't do things people can already do for themselves. 3. No "hit and run" ministry, only on going and continuous projects. 4. Only work through indigenous organizations and individuals to help them succeed in their ministry. 5. Do not create dependencies on AWA, our partners, our team members.
Doctrinal Statement:
We are fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Core Values:
Take the time to learn and listen to those we serve so that what is done actually makes an impact and difference for the better.
2. Not to take things out of people's hands and do things they can already do.
3. Make effort to develop outreach that is consistent, ongoing and continuous.
4. Work only through existing ministries to help them become better at reaching their audience rather than start something new in a culture we don't understand.
5. Do not create dependencies on our organization, team members or partners. Rather help people learn how to become self sufficient and then give that to others.
Additional Information:
AWA has been recruiting volunteers for mission teams for over 14 years. We have an excellent track record and many team members return again and again. Some have made the move to South Africa to begin their own mission work on a full time basis. God can use any person with any skill in service to Him. We welcome your questions about how you can join our work in South Africa.
Internships (Collegiate)
Team Training
1 to 3 Months
4 to 11 Months
1 to 2 Years
More than 2 Years
Long Term/One Way
Trip Costs Details:
We recruit team members to come work on project initially for about 3 weeks. Total cost including: Round trip airfare from USA All lodging expenses in South Africa All ground transportation in South Africa All Meals in South Africa Project funds for outreach. Total cost $4000.00 per team member. (price may change, however we have maintained this for 9 years).
Training Required for Service:
Several team building meetings prior to departing for South Africa. These meetings are scheduled over a 5-7 month period with different focuses on the mission including: 1. Cultural awareness. 2. What team mission is. 3. Projects and service you need to train for. 4. Self discovery.
Training Provided by Organization:
We provide the required training mentioned above. Our staff has many years experience in this mission and helping travelers get the most out of their experience.
Long-Term Missionary Accountability Practices:
We have found that some people that come on short term missions with AWA discover their calling to the field on a permanent basis. AWA is here and ready to assist each of these individuals find the way to use their gifts and talent to start their work in South Africa and other countries. Please inquire if this is an avenue God is leading you to.
Application Process:
Once someone is interested in joining AWA on a mission trip to South Africa they are requested to submit an application (found on our website). Once we receive this application with initial deposit we schedule several team meetings to discover the skills, talents and gifts each team member will bring to the work. This process is comfortably completed in approximately 8 months. From time of application to getting on an airplane includes several steps of training so that we match the right people with our partners needs. Taking longer than 8 months allows more time for team members to raise their funds. Shorter than 8 months compresses the process.
Speaking to Past or Present Missionaries:
Anyone can discuss their interest with staff of AWA at any time. Also, we have process in place for past team members to be contacted for reference and questions.
Characteristics of the Ideal Missionary:
Team member will be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, willing to "live what they believe" in front of people so that they create opportunities to evangelize and teach believers. Team members will be well grounded in their faith. Team members will be flexible on the ground realizing things change fast in Africa and we make adjustments quickly at times. Team members will participate in training and be committed to the group needs in these sessions. Team members will adhere to AWA rules of conduct and dress at all times.
Host Homes
Leadership Training
Prayer Team
Team Leaders
Remote Volunteer (Regularly)
Travel Volunteer (Part Time)
Volunteer Internships (Collegiate)
Types of Volunteer(s) that we are Seeking:
Actually any skill can be used in South Africa, and we are looking for volunteers to join our mission teams to share their skills here. Length of time is up to the volunteer. Minimum age is 18, however younger team member are welcome to come with parent or legal guardian.
Required Costs:
Volunteers cover their costs. This cost for approximately 3 weeks with travel time is $4000. USD.
Training Process:
Volunteers will be sufficiently trained to come to service in South Africa.