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2 Timothy 4:5

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.”

2 Timothy 4:5

Welcome to Fulfill UR Ministry (FURM)! We are a ministry purposed to be the bridge between you and the thousands of ministries organizing opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus so that you can reach the world for His Kingdom! You being here tells us that you have a heart for missions, whether that's local, national, international, or maybe you're still figuring out where you are wanting to help. No matter your experience or interest, we are honored that you are here!

Feel free to begin browsing our profiles, and don't forget to sign up as an Active Viewer so you can make notes as you go. Or visit the "I Love Missions, What Now?" page if you're still figuring out what stage of involvement you are currently seeking. FURM is still new, but we are passionate about missions and the role that they play in reaching the ends of the earth for Jesus, so please check back regularly to see what we’re adding!

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Ministry Highlight

World Relief is an organization that partners with local churches to create lasting change in a world without violence, poverty and injustice.

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Churches: Get Your Congregation Mobilized!

Church Leaders

Fellow church leaders, we have designed many of our current efforts and many efforts to come with you in mind! We want to be a resource of value for both you and your congregation. Please click the button below to find out more!

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Upcoming Events

The following events are conferences that FURM has most recently attended and that we plan to attend in the near future. We hope to see you there!

No Events Currently Scheduled

Fulfill UR Ministry is not currently scheduled to attend a specific event in the near future, but please check back soon for updates on our next event!